New Omap S.r.l.
Via A. Volta, 1/c
+39 049 8830620
From many years of experience, New Omap is able to offer a complete range of Molecular Sieves Dryers, able to cater for the various needs that may arise from production department of different sectors, from thermoforming, injection molding, extrusion and ever demanding PET. Able to handle even the most modern high tech materials with a dedicated air flow and temperature control, that together with RCE function and dedicated thick insulated hoppers, create the perfect drying environment. MD series of Molecular Sieves Dryers, with on line TD hopper and floor standing unit, ideal for small to medium through put. MDC series for beside machine installation, all trolley mounted for easy handling and compact features. The MDS units, provide the high through puts required in the most demanding environments, solid dryer body and TD hoppers from 300dm3 and above That can also be combined in multiple connected hoppers, series MDM with a single dryer body.